[A]threatened[I]comprehensive [B]extent[J]neglected [C]diagnose[K]st

游客2024-09-17  1

问题     [A]threatened[I]comprehensive
    Computer experts have been gripped by fear of a dangerous illness. It is highly infectious, difficult to【C1】______and in many cases impossible to cure.
    It is not computer experts or programming【C2】______who are likely to be affected, but rather the electronic data banks themselves. Computer programmes are【C3】______by a computer "virus" that can pull down entire computer networks once it has been secretly brought into the system.【C4】______, the viruses were quite harmless. Amateur computer enthusiasts secretly brought them into big electronic systems, where they showed up as little message or games. Such spectacular cases of computer espionage have shown that the big data banks are efficient, but also【C5】______.
    Many experts complain that computer safety has been【C6】______for too long. By threatening to place a computer virus into the heart of the electronic data system, a large company could be put under【C7】______pressure. The damage by computer viruses is already【C8】______. The secret thing about computer viruses is that if they are well programmed they will spread throughout the entire system unnoticed. Bit by bit they infect the programmes that they have【C9】______to and then one day they jump into action all at once.
    And there seems to be hardly any countermeasures. The chance of finding a computer virus in an electronic system without【C10】______know-how and technical programme assistance is practically zero. [br] 【C7】


答案 G

解析 所填词位于名词pressure之前,介词under之后,可以断定是一个形容词,修饰pressure。上文提到“这种病毒一旦秘密侵入系统,即可将整个计算机网络摧毁”,由此可推知,一旦病毒入侵大公司的数据库系统,肯定会引起他们的极度恐慌,所以选[G]extreme。