[originaltext]M: What’re you doing up so early, Amanda? Have you decided to tak
[originaltext]M: What’re you doing up so early, Amanda? Have you decided to tak
M: What’re you doing up so early, Amanda? Have you decided to take up jogging in the park like me?
W: No, Mike. You know I really can’t stand jogging. I’ve joined a yoga class at our local fitness center. Want to join me?
M: No way! To the best of my knowledge, most enthusiasts are women. I’d rather do some weights or cardio at the gym than contort my body into painful postures.
W: At the beginning, women go in for it mainly. But as its popularity grows, men are becoming more receptive to the idea.
M: No, thanks. I think all of this is just a moneymaking gimmick. I’m telling you Amanda, don’t buy into it!
W:(7)Mike, we just learn three new postures every day and do some meditation. My yoga guru is going to teach us about breathing today. Did you know that we don’t even breathe properly anymore?
M: Count me out! I don’t need anyone to tell me how to breathe! Just because celebrities are doing yoga, everyone’s jumping on the bandwagon.
W: That’s not true! For those who are unaware of the yoga way of exercise, it uses a combination of breathing exercises along with physical movement to free the body while the meditation aspect of yoga assists in easing the mind and soul. You’re always reluctant to try something new. Give it a chance. You might enjoy it.
M: Okay, but only if you promise I’ll end up with a body like Matthew McConaughey!
W: Don’t be stupid, Mike! You know, it can’t be a thing to easy start, right? The first few classes may be very tough, but you stick with it.(9)The first major effect you will notice is that you’d feel very relaxed after a class. After several weeks, you’ll become stronger, more flexible and your posture is improved.
M: Anyway, to be frank, you look great recently.
W: A couple of days ago, my back was so stiff and I couldn’t sleep on my stomach anymore. It was the yoga that made me feel better.
M: You mean practicing yoga is better than doing some weights or cardio?
W: What you say is true in a way.(10 - 1)Er, everyone knows that yoga is a great way to relieve stress, increase circulation and give us a positive attitude. There are many benefits of the yoga exercise. It is known that yoga also helps provide stress relief and health benefits. With the fast-paced world of today, it is easy for an individual to become stressed out with the daily schedule and this type of stress will definitely affect the body and mind.
M:(10-2)But yoga doesn’t do a whole lot to build lean and toned muscle and burn fat, which is what most people want to do.
W: The cardio maybe neither. To be honest, intense aerobics should be dependent on how old people are and some people who have heart diseases are not appropriate for the exciting activity. Yoga is suitable for all ages of people, you know.
M: Oh, I am really frustrated. You win! Today I will not take up jogging in the park. I’d like to have yoga class together with you!
6. What does Mike think of yoga postures?
7. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the teaching of yoga?
8. According to Mike, why do people go in for yoga?
9. What is the first important effect once people begin practising yoga?
10. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a benefit of yoga?
A、They follow the lead of famous people.
B、They like to try something new.
C、They can make friends through practicing yoga together.
D、Yoga is beneficial to their health.
下列属于身份权的是()A.肖像权、亲属权、配偶权 B.配偶权、肖像权、监护
下列哪项不是霍乱的大便性状特点A.黄水样 B.米泔样 C.黏液脓血便 D.
血小板减少性紫癜时可出现A.血尿 B.血红蛋白尿 C.胆红素尿 D.乳糜尿
“夺血者无汗,夺汗者无血”的理论依据是A、气能化津 B、气能摄血 C、津能载
A.CD3 B.CD19 C.POX D.MPO E.ALP急性髓细胞白
人工负压吸引术后12天仍有较多阴道流血,首先考虑的是A.子宫穿孔 B.子宫复旧
既能散瘀止痛,可治跌打损伤,又能利湿退黄,为清热利湿之良药的是A.车前草 B.