According to the conversation, the woman seems [br] [originaltext]M: Hi, Wendy!

游客2024-09-16  1

问题 According to the conversation, the woman seems [br]  
M: Hi, Wendy! There are 2 weeks of classes and then exams start.
W: Yes. I will be glad when exams are over. I get very panicky and stressed at exam time. I find myself eating constantly and I don’t seem to find any time to exercise.
M: Exams don’t bother me that much. This year most of the marks for my courses are based on assignments and research projects. I only have 2 exams.
W: You’re lucky. I have 5. I also need to get good marks over 80% or I won’t be able to keep my scholarship.
M: Any plans for summer break?
W: I’d like to go to Italy. My uncle owns a restaurant specializing in seafood and he has offered me a job for the summer.
M: That’s great!
W: Yes. But the problem is my father had a heart attack 3 weeks ago, so I have to look after him and help my mother around the house. It is such a dilemma. I don’t know what to do.
M: Yes, it would be a very difficult decision. You are young and a chance to go to Italy for the summer sounds like the opportunity of a lifetime.
W: I’m leaning towards going to Italy but I just feel so guilty. What about you, Steven? What are your plans for the summer?
M: Well, I have no idea yet.

选项 A、The women will have to take two exams in two weeks.
B、The men will have to take more exams than the women.
C、The women can keep her scholarship if her marks are over 80%.
D、The men’s marks of his courses consist of exams and assignments.

答案 C

解析 女士说:“我必须得分数达80%以上,否则就不能继续拿奖学金。”换言之,如果考分超过80%,女士就能继续拿奖学金,故选C。A说的是男士的情况;B与原文相反;D不全面,文中还提到了research projects。