Why did the woman fail to have lunch with the man? [br] [originaltext]M: Hi, Ja

游客2024-09-16  0

问题 Why did the woman fail to have lunch with the man? [br]  
M: Hi, Janet, where were you at lunch time? I was saving a seat for you in the cafeteria.
W: Oh, sorry to miss you. But my thirst for knowledge was greater than my pains of hunger.
M: I never had that problem. So where were you?
W: My political science class ran overtime.
M: That’s been happening quite a bit lately, hasn’t it?
W: I guess so. Actually, what happens is that a lot of us hang around for a while after class to talk with our professor and ask him questions.
M: Who is this twentieth century Socrates?
W: Professor Howl.
M: No wonder.
W: Have you ever heard of him?
M: Mm, he does have a good reputation in the political science department and I heard many people speak highly of him.
W: And a well deserved one. The same students who fall asleep in discussion groups and seminars fight for front-row seats in his lectures.
M: Oh, no. I hope this isn’t catching.
W: You can joke. But it’s great to have a professor who’s not only interesting but prepared to give up time for students.
M: I know. They are a rare breed. Maybe I should sit in on his class some time. Do you think he’d care?
W: Not at all. Lots of students bring their friends, and he says he feels flattered.

选项 A、is unable to prevent students from fighting.
B、is very popular in political science class.
C、finds it hard to make understood in the class.
D、never cares about his students’ attendance.

答案 B

解析 女士说,Howl教授在政治科学系享有很高的声誉,有很多人赞扬他。由此可以推断出,答案是B。