You have been at Furnell University for two weeks now. As usual, you need en

游客2024-09-16  0

问题     You have been at Furnell University for two weeks now. As usual, you need enough time to sleep and eat. You also want to spend time with your new friends and get some exercise. But, after the first two weeks of classes, you have probably concluded that there isn’t enough time to do all these things, because you also have to attend classes, go to labs, do assignments and write papers.
Soon you will be in a situation like this one: You are going to have a quiz in your ten o’clock class. You studied for it until 3 a.m. You also have an eight o’clock class. Should you sleep late and skip the eight o’clock class?
    To some extent the answer depends on the professor of the course. Some instructors announce that they require attendance. In that case you really should go to class. Some don’t say anything. In that case you have to decide. Once in a while it is better to stay in bed and sleep than to get so tired you cannot think. However, it is not a good idea to skip class more than a few times.
If you have to skip a class, ask another student for the class notes, announcements and the assignments. Also, come to the next class prepared. If you miss class because you are sick, tell the instructor afterwards. He or she may let you make up the work. If you have an important appointment, tell the instructor about it before you miss the class.
    Here is another common problem. You took the quiz. Even after studying very hard, you could not answer all the questions. In high school you always got every answer right. What went wrong? Nothing. High school work is easy, so a good student is supposed to get a perfect score. In college the teacher wants to challenge even the best students. Therefore, almost nobody answers every question correctly.
    But maybe there were some very basic ideas in that course you did not understand. Go see the teacher during his or her office hours. Most teachers will gladly explain things again. Of course, they will not be pleased to repeat what they said in class to someone who skipped class.
Maybe you really should get up for that eight o’clock class! [br] Students may not be able to get perfect scores in college because

选项 A、only the best students can manage it.
B、they do not work hard as in high school.
C、teachers intend to challenge them.
D、they cannot answer each question correctly.

答案 C

解析 根据题干的get perfect scores in college定位到第5段。该段末指出:大学老师总想挑战学生,即便是那些最优秀的学生也不例外;几乎没有人能每道题都回答正确。C符合文意。A中的only与原文的even相悖,不符文意,可排除;第5段第3句指出:在大学里,学生即使很刻苦也不可能答对所有考题,据此排除B;原文Therefore一词表明D(不能答对每道题)的原因是大学教师有心刁难,不是本题要问的原因,故排除。