I live in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and there are some homeless people in the

游客2024-09-16  2

问题     I live in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and there are some homeless people in the downtown, especially the University area. I used to give a lot of money to the homeless, feeling sorry for their misfortune. But as time passed, I fell into a victim to many of the circumstances of a homeless person. After I was divorced from my husband, I became a single mom with no home, a huge debt, and hardly any income. As a result, I became very mean and stopped giving to the people on the side of the road.
    Through my working hard, things started to change for me. I became responsible enough to have a home with a back yard for my daughter, and plenty of food, and I started to pull myself out of debt. One day we saw a homeless person with the sign "Will work for food." I passed by. My daughter commented, "Mommy, you used to always give to those people in need. But now..." I replied, "Honey, they just use that money for alcohol or other bad things." She didn’t respond. But when I said that, I didn’t feel right.
    Three days later, I was driving to pick up my daughter from school. A man was standing on the corner with the appearance of worries, and suddenly something deep inside me said, "Just help the guy." So I rolled down my window, and he ran over with enthusiasm. He said, "Kind lady, I only need 77 cents." I reached into my pocket and found that I didn’t take my purse. And then I embarrassedly spread out my hands to show that I was in no position to help him. But when he turned away, I called to him, "Wait a moment!" I found in my ashtray there sat three quarters and two pennies. Oddly enough, it was the very 77 cents.
    My skin was prickling as I saw this. I scooped it up and gave it to him. He burst out with joy and tears in his eyes, "Wow, you just made it possible for me to see my mom for Christmas! Thank you so much! I haven’t visited my mother for three years. The bus is leaving in 20 minutes! I have to go now."
    It was the moment that I’ll never forget. I think that man won’t forget it either, but I was the one who got the best gift in life—GIVING. It also strikes me that nothing is a coincidence, and every giving has meaning, although it is the humble 77 cents. [br] The author asked the man to wait a moment

选项 A、as she noticed something valuable in the car.
B、after she had found some change in the ashtray.
C、because she was very embarrassed that she cannot help.
D、so that she could pick out exactly 77 cents from the change.

答案 B

解析 根据题干的wait a moment定位到第3段。该段最后3句提到,作者想帮那个人,却发现身上没带钱。那个人转身离开的时候,作者发现烟灰缸里有零钱,所以把他叫住了,因此B正确。A中的“发现一些有价值的东西”文中并没有体现;C是事实,却与题干构不成因果关系;D“从零钱中取出77美分”与文中的表述不符,故可排除这三项。