What has the woman been doing? [br] [originaltext]M: I see you and your friends

游客2024-09-16  1

问题 What has the woman been doing? [br]  
M: I see you and your friends have been decorating the dormitory.
W: The walls looked so dull; we decided to cover them with prints and posters.
M: I like this one. Did you buy it on campus?
W: No, I bought it at the museum of modern art in New York City. The art history department recently sponsored a special museum tour there.
M: Is this a reproduction of something in the museum’s collection?
W: Yes, it’s a print of a painting by Georgia O’keffe called Lake George Window.
M: It looks more like a photograph. The details are accurate and realistic.
W: I thought the same thing when I first saw the painting hanging in the museum. But the art history teacher pointed out how the painting is stylized.
M: What do you mean?
W: By choosing a front view of the window, O’keffe was able to present a symmetrical image.
M: It does look almost flat. The open shutters seem to have no depth at all.
W: So even though she created a realistic painting of a window, O’keffe stylized and simplified the shapes to resemble an abstract design.
M: It sounds as though you learned a lot on that trip. Is the art history department planning another museum tour?
W: Yes, the next one is to a special exhibit of European painters at the museum of fine arts in Boston next week.
M: I think I will sign up for that one.

选项 A、Hold an exhibition on campus.
B、Go to New York City.
C、Go for the tour to Boston.
D、Look for the European painters.

答案 C

解析 女士说下周波士顿的美术博物馆会有一场关于欧洲画家的作品展,男士说他会参加,故答案为C。