A、You may have fun making barbecues in the garden.B、You won’t feel stuck and la

游客2024-09-10  2


选项 A、You may have fun making barbecues in the garden.
B、You won’t feel stuck and labeled as you do in the city.
C、It’s more tolerate than living in the city.
D、It’s more hateful than living in the country.

答案 D

解析 问题问女士对生活在郊区的看法。对话中男士也问了这个问题,女士用more hateful than the country作了回答,故D项“比生活在乡下更可恶”正确。A“可以开心地在花园烧烤”、B“不会像在城市一样觉得受困和贴标签”和C“比在城市生活更宽容”都不是女士对suburbs的看法。