After the harvest, the peasants began to ______ and enjoy the results of hard wo

游客2024-09-07  4

问题 After the harvest, the peasants began to ______ and enjoy the results of hard work.

选项 A、set back
B、settle down
C、load down
D、sit back

答案 D

解析 根据after...and enjoy...可知丰收后,农民开始休息并享受其辛勤劳动的成果,故选sit back“放松并暂停工作”。set back表示“阻碍,推迟,耽搁”;settle down表示“安顿下来,平息”,如:I hate all this travel;I want to get married and settle down.(我讨厌到处跑;我想结婚过安定日子。)load down表示“使负担过重”。