A. amounted B. appealing C. automatically D. epidemic E. existence

游客2024-09-07  3

问题    A. amounted  B. appealing    C. automatically    D. epidemic    E. existence
   F. gain    G. imposes    H. intermittent     I. lay      J. led
   K. lowers   L. pressing    M. productively    N. sack     O. worst-run
   The Economist calculates that around the world almost 290 million 15- to 24-year-olds are neither working nor studying: almost a quarter. of the planet’s youth. On the other hand, many of the "employed" young have only informal and 【C1】______jobs. In rich countries more than a third, on average, are on temporary contracts which make it hard to 【C2】______ skills. In poorer ones, according to the World Bank, a fifth are unpaid family labourers or work in the informal economy. All in all, nearly half of the world’s young people are either outside the formal economy or contributing less 【C3】______than they could.
   What has caused this 【C4】______ of joblessness? Young people have long had a raw deal in the labour market. Two things make the problem more 【C5】______ now. The financial crisis and its consequence had an unusually big effect on them. Many employers 【C6】______ the newest hires first, so a recession raises youth joblessness disproportionately.
   Second, the emerging economies that have the largest and fastest-growing populations of young people also have the 【C7】______ labour markets. Almost half of the world’s young people live in South Asia, the Middle East and Africa. They also have the highest share of young people out of work or in the informal sector.
   In rich countries with generous welfare states this 【C8】______ a heavy burden on taxpayers. One estimate suggests that, last year, the economic loss from disengaged young people in Europe  【C9】______ to $153 billion, or more than 1% of GDP. And failure to employ the young not only  【C10】______ growth today. It also threatens it tomorrow. [br] 【C9】


答案 A

解析 空格应填入动词作that从句的谓语,此外结合时间状语last year,故空格处应填入动词过去式。该句提到one estimate,从句主语是the economic loss,空格后为“to+数值”,推测这里指经估算其经济损失达到多少,词库中的amounted符合要求,amount to指“总计达……”。词库中的过去式led也可以后接to,但lead to表示“导致”,后不接“数据”,故排除。