A. affecting B. alternative C. attachment D. continues E. enthusias

游客2024-09-07  5

问题    A. affecting   B. alternative   C. attachment     D. continues   E. enthusiastic
   F. exposure   G. further    H. generating     I. induced    J. lightly
   K. mere     L. sense     M. strongly      N. ties      O. willing
   Strong emotional bonds between mothers and infants increase children’s willingness to explore the world—an effect that has been observed across the animal kingdom, in people, monkeys and even spiders. The more secure we are in our 【C1】______ to Mom, the more likely we are to try new things and take risks. Now researchers are discovering that this effect 【C2】______ into adulthood. A 【C3】______ reminder of Mom’s touch or the sound of her voice on the phone is enough to change people’s minds and moods, 【C4】______their decision making in measurable ways.
   In a study published online in April in Psychological Science, undergraduate business students had to choose between safe bets and risky gambles—a bond with a guaranteed 4 percent yearly return or a riskier stock option, for example. In half the cases, the experimenters patted the students  【C5】______ on the back of the shoulder for about one second while providing verbal instructions about the study. Both male and female students who were touched by a female experimenter were far more likely to choose the risky 【C6】______ than were those who had not been touched or were patted by male experimenters. Researchers say the reassuring touch of a woman may have 【C7】______ early associations, inspiring the same openness to exploration.
   To 【C8】______ confirm that a woman’s touch links feelings of security with risk taking, the researchers asked a different group of undergraduates to make financial decisions after a writing exercise. Half of them wrote about a time they felt secure and supported, whereas the other half wrote about feeling insecure and alone. Evoking a 【C9】______ of insecurity made students in the latter group especially receptive to the gentle shoulder pats from female experimenters and much more 【C10】______ to take a risk. [br] 【C7】


答案 I

解析 空格位于have之后,the reassuring touch of a woman may have early associations“女性让人宽慰的触摸也许有联想”语义不通,由此判断have不是实义动词,而是助动词,因而空格处填入动词的过去分词。词库中只有一个过去分词induced“引起”,填入句中旬意通顺:女性让人宽慰的触摸也许唤起了儿时的联想,激发了探索冒险的精神,故选I。