A. actually B. calculating C. conducting D. conformed E. criticall

游客2024-09-07  3

问题    A. actually    B. calculating   C. conducting   D. conformed     E. critically
   F. identified   G. inadequate   H. insight    I. intricate      J. motivation
   K. multiple   L. peers     M. performance  N. recommended    O. standardized
   Of all the goals of the education reform movement, none is more difficult than developing an objective method to assess teachers. Studies show that over time, test scores do not provide a consistent means of separating good from bad instructors. Test scores are an 【C1】______ indicator of quality because too many factors outside of the teachers’ control can influence student【C2】______from year to year—or even from classroom to classroom during the same year. Often, more than half of those teachers 【C3】______ as the poorest performers one year will be judged average or above average the next, and the results are almost as bad for teachers with 【C4】______ classes during the same year.
   Fortunately, there’s a far more direct approach: measuring the amount of time a teacher spends delivering relevant instruction—in other words, how much teaching a teacher 【C5】______ gets done in a school day. This is hardly a new 【C6】______. Thirty years ago two studies using this approach found that some teachers were able to deliver as much as 14 more weeks a year of relevant instruction than their less efficient 【C7】______. There was no secret to their success: it was obvious that the efficient teachers 【C8】______ strictly to the curriculum, maintained stem discipline and
   minimized non-instructional activities, like 【C9】______ unessential classroom business when they should have been focused on the curriculum.
   And both studies found that the teachers who taught more were also the teachers who produced students who performed well on 【C10】______ tests. [br] 【C2】


答案 M

解析 空格填入名词与student,一起作influence的宾语。上文提到,测试分数不是区分老师好坏的可持续性评估手段。由because可知,本句解释原因:因为影响学生……的因素都在教师的控制范围之外。词库中的名词insight“洞察力”、motivation“动机”和performance“表现”可作为备选。由于上下文都没有提到学生的“动机”或“洞察力”,所以选performance更为恰当,指影响学生表现的因素,故答案为M。