Three hundred years ago news travelled by word of mouth or letter, and circulate

游客2024-09-06  4

问题 Three hundred years ago news travelled by word of mouth or letter, and circulated in taverns and coffee houses in the form of pamphlets and newsletters. Everything changed in 1833 when the first mass-audience newspaper, The New York Sun, pioneered the use of advertising to reduce the cost of news, thus giving advertisers【C1】______to a wider audience. The penny press, followed by radio and television, turned news from a two-way conversation into a one-way broadcast, with a 【C2】______small number of firms controlling the media.
Now, the news industry is【C3】______to something closer to the coffee house. The Internet is making news more participatory, social and diverse, reviving the【C4】______characteristics of the era before the mass media are【C5】______. Newspaper circulations lose globally by 6% between 2005 and 2009.
Over the past decade, throughout the Western world, people have been giving up newspapers and TV news and keeping up with events in【C6】______ different ways. Most strikingly, ordinary people are increasingly involved in compiling, sharing, filtering, discussing and【C7】______news. Twitter lets people anywhere report what they are seeing. Classified documents are published in their thousands online. Social-networking sites help people find, discuss and share news with their friends.
And it is not just readers who are【C8】______the media elite. Technology firms including Google, Facebook and Twitter have become important conduits of news. Celebrities and world leaders publish updates directly via social networks; many countries now make raw data available through "open government" initiatives. The Internet lets people read newspapers or watch television channels from around the world. The web has allowed new providers of news, from individual bloggers to sites, to rise to【C9】______in a very short space of time. And it has made possible entirely new approaches to journalism, such as that practiced by WikiLeaks, which provides a(n)【C10】______way for whistleblowers to publish documents. The news agenda is no longer controlled by a few press barons and state outlets.
A. considerably B. access C. anonymous D. height
E. returning F. advantage G. relatively H. challenging
I. chatty J. flourishing K. discursive L. prominence
M. distributing N. profoundly O. fighting [br] 【C7】


答案 M

解析 distributing,上下文题。此处空格与上文一系列动词“compiling,sharing,filtering,discussing”构成并列,故应填入动词的-ing分词。而此处一系列动词表示新闻传播的一系列环节“收集、分享、筛选、讨论”,与之相关联的环节应当是distributing“散播”。