[A]dedicated[I]Incorporate [B]efficiency[J]deficiency [C]chronic[K]s

游客2024-09-06  2

问题     [A]dedicated[I]Incorporate
    The key element to successful interviewing is not your experience, your grades, what classes you took, your extracurricular(课外的)activities, or any of the other basic necessities. Those skills are what got you the interview. The key element to successful interviewing can be summed up in one word; attitude. If you want to rise above others with better experience, better grades, or better anything, you will need to work on developing a highly【C1】______work attitude.
    Your attitude determines whether you will "make the cut(过关的)" or be【C2】______. There are plenty of competitors with the ability to do almost any given job—especially at the entry level. The way most employers【C3】______at the entry level is by candidates’ attitudes toward the job. Your attitude is often what recruiters will remember when the dust has settled after reviewing ten, twenty or more candidates—the one who was【C4】______willing to put forth his very best effort. If you have the attitude of wanting to do your very best for the company, of being focused on the company’s needs, of putting yourself forth as the person who will be committed and【C5】______to fulfilling their needs, you will likely be the one chosen.
    Why is attitude so important? Because most companies already have their full share of multi-talented superstars who care about no one but themselves. Ask any manager who the most valuable member of his team is, and he will point not to the【C6】______superstar, but to the person who has the "can do" attitude, the person who can be counted on in any situation, the person who truly strives for【C7】______. Give me a team player who is achieving at 99% and I will take her over a flashy superstar who is running at 50%【C8】______any day of the week. And so will 99% of all luring managers. So don’t worry if you are not " superstar" quality. If you can show me, in your words and actions, that you are ready to put forth your very best effort toward achieving excellence, you will be chosen over the superstar. You can show your winning attitude in the way you present yourself.【C9】______the actual words " positive attitude", "excellence" and "striving to be my best" into your interview language.
    If you can show me, by words and examples, your " can do" attitude, it is you I will hire, while all of the superstars will receive polite【C10】______letters to add to their growing collections. [br] 【C5】


答案 A

解析 由句子结构可知,该空缺少与committed并列作表语的形容词。由下文的you will likely be theone chosen可知,愿意为了公司利益兢兢业业努力奉献的你才有可能被聘用,备选形容词中的dedicated可以组成短语be dedicated to sth.,与be committed to sth.同义,意为“致力于……,献身于……”,故[A]为答案。