A. account B. acquired C. basis D. certainly E. counterpart

游客2024-09-05  2

问题    A. account    B. acquired    C. basis     D. certainly      E. counterpart
   F. descended   G. docile     H. enables    I. incidentally     J. justify
   K. regarded   L. relative    M. sociable    N. superbly      O. timid
   No species has developed a closer relationship with humanity than the dog, though cat-lovers may disagree. But that relationship’s 【C1】______ —what it is about dogs that allows them to live at ease with people—is still little understood. After all, dogs are 【C2】______ from wolves, which are big, scary carnivores (食肉动物)that would 【C3】______ have competed with early man for prey and might not have been averse (反对的)to the occasional human as a light snack.
   Unless specifically bred for fighting, dogs are more 【C4】______ than wolves, so that is clearly part of the answer. But mere docility cannot 【C5】______ for why people like to have dogs in their homes. Sheep are docile, but few people keep them as pets.
   Brian Hare, of Harvard University, thinks he knows. And, as he told the American Association for the Advancement of Science meeting in Seattle, it does not reflect well on the intelligence of mankind’s closest living 【C6】______, the chimpanzee (黑猩猩). Dr. Hare’s hypothesis is that dogs are  【C7】______ sensitive to social cues from people. That 【C8】______ them to fit in with human society. On one level, this might sound common sense. But humans are such 【C9】______ animals that they frequently fail to realize just how unusual are their own skills at communicating. Dr. Hare therefore decided to test his idea by comparing the abilities of dogs with those of chimpanzees, which are often 【C10】______as second only to people in their level of innate intelligence. [br] 【C5】


答案 A

解析 空格前为情态动词cannot,空格后为介词for,空格处需填入能与for搭配的不及物动词原形。本句意为“仅仅温顺不能……人类为什么喜欢把狗养在家中”,填入的动词应含有“解释、说明”之意,词库中account符合要求,account for意为“对……做出解释”,答案为A。justify“证明……正当(或有理)”为及物动词,不与for搭配,可排除。