Yu Xiuhua was elected as the vice president of the Writers’ Association of Zhong

游客2024-09-05  3

问题 Yu Xiuhua was elected as the vice president of the Writers’ Association of Zhongxiang City, Hubei Province, on Thursday. Yu, 39, attained【C1】______overnight. She broke through social media WeChat recently after a poetry magazine tweeted her poem.
Her father Yu Wenhai【C2】______, "I always imagined that she was trying to prove something." To enable her to attend school she was carried by her parents or supported by her younger brother. It was during her school days that she found 【C3】______in writing poems.
In a piece she wrote in middle school, which won her a school award, she【C4】______herself to an obscure star in the sky. Reflecting on it many years later, she said: "I don’t envy those who live ’better’ lives than me. I won’t resign to 【C5】______."
She left senior high school one year before graduation and later got married to a man whom she "didn’t choose out of love" . They soon separated and the only legacy of the【C6】______union was a son, who is now in university.
Every day, after tending to farm animals, she sets pen to paper and escapes into her【C7】______ world.
So far, Yu has penned more than 2,000 poems. She describes poetry as her crutch, which she turned to "when faltering in the reeling world" .
Some people have begun to【C8】______refer to her as the Chinese Emily Dickinson.
"She is a sensitive woman and the poems flow out of her heart【C9】______," said writer Zhu Min.
Of course, there are those【C10】______by her poems, such as poetry critic Han Mo. "She is only famous because of media hype," he said. Yu said she doesn’t want her illness to attract attention either.
"If I was not disabled, I could visit more places and write better poems," she said.
A. naturally B. internal C. wealth D. adversity
E. reminded F. fame G. touched H. unmoved
I. affectionately J. ideal K. compared L. afterwards
M. solace N. unhappy O. recalled [br] 【C9】


答案 A

解析 naturally,词义辨析题。根据词性,此处应当填入副词。好的诗歌常常被夸成the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings“强烈感情的自然溢出”,而这里也是在描述余秀华诗歌的魅力,是她内心的自然流露,故选naturally。