A. arbitrary B. avoided C. complicates D. created E. distinctions

游客2024-09-05  2

问题    A. arbitrary   B. avoided    C. complicates   D. created    E. distinctions
   F. each     G. features    H. individual   I. rarely     J. simply
   K. substitute   L. sufficient    M. symptoms   N. temporary   O. that
   Why is it so difficult to fall asleep when you are overtired? There is no one answer that applies to every 【C1】______. But many people fail to note the 【C2】______ between fatigue—physical tiredness—and sleepiness, the inability to stay awake. It is possible to feel tired physically and still be unable to fall asleep, because while your body may be exhausted, you don’t feel sleepy. To fall asleep, you need adequate time to unwind, even if you feel fatigued, not so easy to 【C3】______ "turn off." According to Carl E. Hunt, director of the National Center on Sleep Disorders Research in Bethesda, Maryland, most people do not allow themselves 【C4】______ deceleration (放慢).
   Lack of sleep 【C5】______ the matter even more. Experts say adults need at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep a night to function properly. When you get less sleep than 【C6】______ on consecutive nights, you begin to pile up "sleep debt". As sleep debt increases and functionality decreases, your body experiences a stress response and begins to release adrenaline. Now a vicious cycle has been  【C7】______: You experience the feeling of being more and more tired, but your body is increasingly stimulated. Power sleeping for more hours on weekends is only a 【C8】______ solution. "There is no  【C9】______ for getting a good night’s sleep on a habitual basis," says Hunt.
   Most of us, however, don’t get the sleep we need. According to the National Sleep Foundation, Americans sleep an average of 6.9 hours per night during the week, and 58 percent of adults experience 【C10】______ of insomnia a few nights a week or more. [br] 【C10】


答案 M

解析 空格处需要填入名词作experience“经历”的宾语。失眠(insomnia)是一种症状,symptoms符合此处语义:58%的成年人在一周或更长的时间内总有几天会失眠。features“特征”一般指某物的特点,失眠不是特征,可排除。