Sending a Gift Write a note of about 50-60 words based on the following

游客2024-09-05  1

问题     Sending a Gift
    Write a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation:
    You want to send your friend Murphy a gift. Now write him a note about your gift.
    Marks will be awarded for content, organization, language and appropriateness.


答案     Dear Murphy,
    Please allow me to send you a basket of assorted fruits I just received from my hometown, where they are some of the famous produce. It’s a trifling gift, but I hope you will accept it as a small token of my gratitude for your helping me with my study. Hopefully you will like it.
                                                                Sincerely yours,

解析     这是一则想送小礼物给对方的便条。在西方,赠送礼物时,常常会附上这样一张便条,说明送的是什么,希望对方喜欢。言辞要轻松愉快,不要显出施恩于对方;更不要向对方提要求。本题的便条要写清楚以下要点: