All the following sentences contain ellipsis (省略) EXCEPTA、Nice to see you again.

游客2024-09-04  1

问题 All the following sentences contain ellipsis (省略) EXCEPT

选项 A、Nice to see you again.
B、I hate him as much as you.
C、What a sunny day!
D、Your mother is at home, isn’t she?

答案 D

解析 考查句子的省略形式。A省略了形式主语it和be动词is,完整表达是It is nice to see you again.B为比较状语从句的省略,由于从句的主语与谓语和主句一样,均为I hate,故从句中将该部分省略。完整表达为I hate him as much as I hate you.C为感叹句,省略了it is,即What a sunny day it is!只有D没有省略,该句子为反意疑问句,先用肯定形式的陈述句将自己的猜想说出来,然后用问句问对方是否正确,其问句结构通常为“助动词/be动词+主语?”,如D选项所示。