Which of the following sentences indicates ABILITY?A、The police are doing all th

游客2024-09-04  3

问题 Which of the following sentences indicates ABILITY?

选项 A、The police are doing all they can to find her.
B、Can I have a cigarette, please?
C、I am confident that a solution can be found.
D、Any police officer can insist on seeing a driver’s license.

答案 A

解析 A“警察在尽其所能寻找她”中的can表示“能力”。B“请问我能抽烟吗?”表“许可”;C“我确信可以找到一个解决方案”表示“可能性”;D“任何一位警官都有权要求查看司机的驾照”表示“权力,命令”。因此选A。