[originaltext]W: Hey. Uh, you look really unhappy. What’s going on?M: Ah, you

游客2024-09-04  3

W: Hey. Uh, you look really unhappy. What’s going on?
M: Ah, you don’t want to know.
W: Okay, see you.
M: Wait, wait, wait! Why are you walking away?
W: Well, you said I didn’t want to know, so I just walked away.
M: No, wait. You see my parents don’t really love me.
W: What do you mean? Why do you say so? When I met them last week, they seemed really caring. Your mum made the birthday cake for you and you father booked the tickets of your favorite band’s concert for you. Things couldn’t change that instant.
M: You don’t understand! You see. I want a new smart phone... I mean, I need one, and my parents won’t buy me a new one!
W: Uh, excuse me, but don’t you already have an iPhone?
M: Yeah, but it’s three months old.
W: Old? I bought my cellphone three years ago. So my cellphone can be called something ancient. I really don’t see why you need to change it.
M: And it has a small scratch on it.
W: Where? Let me see.
M: Look! Here. You see a scratch here?
W: I don’t see a scratch.
M: Look, look, right here! You see it?
W: Come on! It’s just a speck of dust.
M: Anyway... And my other phone...
W: What? You have two phones?
M: Yes. I have one for my classmates and friends, and the other for my family. Hey, that’s beside the point.
W: So did your parents give you a reason for not buying you a new phone?
M: Not a good one. Only something about being self-reliant and not being so entitled, or something like that.
W: Then what kind of smart phone are you planning to buy this time?
M: You see here, on the ad, it says the Apple company is launching a new iPhone. It features more durability thanks to less pliable 7000-series aluminum. There’s going to be a much-improved camera. What’s more, Apple also claims that Wi-Fi is twice as fast when using this new iPhone. Don’t you think it is quite cool? I think that’s a perfect smart phone for me, you know.
W: Yeah. The cool features also come with a steep price... Listen, I think it is okay for you to buy a new iPhone, but the thing is you’d better earn the money yourself. Just like what your parents said, be self-reliant. Hey, you see, there’s an ad looking for part-time tutors as well. Think about that.
M: Uh! You’re no help. If I do as what you said, the phones will be sold out!
This is the end of Conversation Two.
Questions 6-10 are based on Conversation Two.
6. Why does the man think his parents do not love him?
7. What do we learn about the woman’s cellphone?
8. What do the man’s parents think of him?
9. Which is the new iPhone’s feature according to the man?
10. What does the man think of the woman’s advice?

选项 A、It is more durable.
B、It has a bigger-sized camera.
C、It’s faster to process the apps.
D、It has a stronger Wi-Fi signal.

答案 A

解析 ①对话中,男士提到了新一代iPhone的三个新特点:使用了更坚韧的7000系列铝合金,不容易被损坏;相机镜头升级了;无线上网速度是以前的2倍。因此A项“更加耐用”为正确答案。②B项“相机镜头更大”、C项“处理应用程序更快”以及D项“无线上网信号更强”与对话内容不符。因此都不正确。