A. continually B. wasted C. at the top D. means E. causes F. everything

游客2024-09-04  1

问题     A. continually B. wasted C. at the top D. means E. causes
    F. everything G. put H. collecting I. vary J. appeal
    K. congregating L. efforts M. condemns N. achievement O. occasionally
    Around two billion people have no access to modern energy, and a billion have it only 【C1】______. The smoky stoves that many of them use, the World Health Organisation reckons, produce pollution that【C2】______ around 2 million premature deaths a year. Makeshift cookers also catch fire easily. And lives are not the only things【C3】______. Women and girls in rural villages lose time and energy walking around【C4】______ dirty solid fuels, ranging from crop waste to cow dung.
    The【C5】______ of a stove that produces more heat, more cleanly and with less fuel is clear.
    But Kirk Smith, a stove specialist at the University of California at Berkeley, points out that most 【C6】______ to promote cleaner stoves have failed. Too much emphasis has gone on technology and talking to people【C7】______, too little to consulting the women who actually do the cooking. When subsidies run out, the schemes have faltered, with stoves left unused or broken.
    Why might it be different this time? Wouter Deelder of Dalberg, a development consultancy, says that stoves have improved in【C8】______ from the materials used to the design of chimneys. Even so, the new stoves can cost $30 or more. Greater efficiency【C9】______ they pay for themselves in a few months, but the price is still prohibitive for people living on a few dollars a week. Moreover, technology that works well in the laboratory may fail in the field, where fuels, cooking practices and even the shapes of vessels【C10】______ widely. [br] 【C9】


答案 D

解析 空格后为省略that的宾语从句,本句主句缺少谓语动词,故空格填入动词。空格前意为“更高的效率”,而空格后意为“他们能在数月内收回成本”,后者是对前者的解释,因此选择词库中的means“意味着”。