Drama in fiction occurs in any clash of will, desires, or powers—whether________

游客2024-08-31  3

问题 Drama in fiction occurs in any clash of will, desires, or powers—whether________a conflict of character against character, or character against society.

选项 A、it must be
B、it be
C、it ought to be
D、it was

答案 C

解析 动词搭配与时态题。空格位于where引导的地点状语从句中,空格所填词作该从句的谓语。四个选项都是以was thought开头,be thought to do意思是“被认为是”,be thought doing意思是“被认为正在做”。根据题干意思可知,飞机已经坠毁了,空格处不可能表达“正在做”的意思,首先排除B和D。根据题干意思可知,飞机坠毁发生在科学家绘制地图之前,属于“过去的过去”范围。where引导的地点状语从句应该使用完成时态。故C为答案。