This is a third memoir from the author Frank McCourt who has【C1】________ int

游客2024-08-30  3

问题     This is a third memoir from the author Frank McCourt who has【C1】________ international reputation with his previous two bestsellers Angela’s Ashes and Tis.
    Frank McCourt arrived in New York as a young, impoverished and【C2】________ Irish boy. He didn’t know what he wanted except to stop being hungry and to better himself.
    On the subway, he watched students carrying books. He saw how they read and【C3】________ and wrote things in the margin and he liked the look of this very much. He joined the New York Public Library and every night when he came back from his hotel work he would【C4】________ up reading the great novels.
    Building his confidence and his determination, he talked his way into NYU and gained a literature【C5】________ , and so began a teaching career that was to last 30 years, working in New York high school. Frank estimates that he【C6】________ taught 12,000 children during this time and it is on this relationship between teacher and student that he reflects in Teacher Man, the third in his series of【C7】________ .
    The New York high school is a restless, noisy and unpredictable place and Frank believes that it was his【C8】________ to control and persuade these thousands of children into learning and achieving something for themselves that turned him into a writer.
    He,【C9】________ sharing his own life with these kids, learnt the power of narrative storytelling, and out of the invaluable experience of holding 12,000 people’s attention came Angela’s Ashes. Frank McCourt was a【C10】________ in such schools, long before he became the figure he is now. He would receive letters from former students telling him how much his teaching influenced and inspired them, and now in Teacher Man, he will share his reminiscences of those 30 years.
    A. idealistic            B. beyond        C. memoir       D. degree
    E. acquired              F. realistic     G. attempts     H. through
    I. certificate           J. sit           K. probably     L. definitely
    M. underlined            N. legend        O. stay [br] 【C4】


答案 J

解析 词组固定搭配题。根据词性,此处应当填入动词原形。可选范围是“sit,stay”,根据上下文信息,可以推断此句的意思是“作者每次从酒店工作回来后,还坚持熬夜阅读名著”。sit up和stay up在意义上有区别,用法上没有区别:sit up是“熬夜”的意思,且是有事可做的熬夜;stay up没有什么特别的事要做,可能是出于悠闲、失眠等原因。故:选sit。