[originaltext]M: Hey, nice to see you again after the long vacation. How are yo

游客2024-08-25  2

M: Hey, nice to see you again after the long vacation. How are you recently? How was your vacation?
W: Hi, good to see you here. Actually, I have just come back from Australia.
M: Really? Cool! I bet you must have spent an amazing holiday there.
W: Yeah, of course. I went diving (潜水). Really fantastic.
M: You did, didn’t you?
W: That’s right. I did.
M: Wow, so what was it like?
W: Well, actually it was quite scary, to be honest. When I first started, I did an introductory course (入门课程), which was just maybe like two days. And so they just sent you out with all of the equipment, put you in the sea, and guided you. But then when I did the real course, I started in the swimming pool, which was fine and it was all great fun, although there were two men on my course who completely freaked out (吓得要死) and had to leave.
M: Oh?
W: Yeah! So that was fine. But then they took us out to sea, which was a bit different. Yeah, because they made us set up (安装;假设;调试) our own equipment. I mean, they still checked us and everything so we didn’t die, but we had to put on our own equipment. We had a diving buddy (朋友,伙伴), and I was with my friend Graham, who I was traveling with anyway. And we went down into the sea. We went down maybe fifteen meters. And they always say something like "don’t panic" and "just keep breathing normally". But I did kind of panic a bit.
M: Oh, no!
W: So then I rose to the surface really quickly, which, you know, you’re not supposed to do in diving. So I went up quite quickly. Luckily we weren’t deep enough to do any damage. But my diving buddy Graham was having a great time down there looking at (失事的船,沉船), and didn’t even notice that I was missing.
M: What a terrible guy!
W: Yeah, I know.
M: Wow! Did they fail him? I hope he failed the course.
W: No, he passed. But it meant that I couldn’t go diving for the rest of the day because I had gone down quite deep, so that was a shame.
M: That’s terrible. But you didn’t hurt yourself; you didn’t come up too fast?
W: No. T was fine in the end, but it was a shame because that was the end of my diving day. But we had a few more days to do it.
M: So now you are comfortably diving? You don’t freak out anymore?
W: 5 ’ I don’t freak out anymore, but I couldn’t go diving now on my own because it has been so long.
M: You are right.
1. What does the woman think of her diving in Australia?
2. Which statement is NOT correct about the woman’s diving in the sea?
3. How did the woman feel after she went down into the deep sea?
4. What do we know about the woman’s diving buddy?
5. What do we know about the woman now?

选项 A、She set up her own equipment.
B、Somebody checked her and everything.
C、She dived with a partner she didn’t know.
D、She went down maybe fifteen meters.

答案 C

解析 原文中,女士说,他们自己穿上装备,但教练仍然会给他们检查,防止他们意外身亡,故排除A、B;他们每个人都有一个潜水搭档,她的搭档是和她一起旅行的朋友格雷厄姆,故C表述不正确;他们潜入大约水下15米的位置,故排除D。因此答案为C。