They brush off the charges without any comment. The underlined part means_______

游客2024-08-23  7

问题 They brush off the charges without any comment. The underlined part means________.

选项 A、turn a deaf ear to
B、blow off
C、break with
D、call to mind

答案 A

解析 他们不理睬那些指控,也未给出任何解释。画线部分的意思是________。短语理解题。题干中的brush off为固定搭配,表示“漠视,对……充耳不闻”,与turn a deaf ear to意思一样,因此A项为答案。blow off意为“不重视,轻视”;break with意为“与……断绝关系”call to mind意为“忆起,想到”。