"She rushed to the railway station, only to find that the train had already gone

游客2024-08-23  1

问题 "She rushed to the railway station, only to find that the train had already gone." The infinitive verb phrase "only to find" is used________.

选项 A、to express an intended purpose
B、to indicate a high degree of possibility
C、to dramatize a stated fact
D、to reveal an undesirable consequence

答案 D

解析 “她匆匆赶到火车站,却发现车子早已开走了。”句中的动词不定式短语"only to find”用来表达________。非谓语动词题。only to do意为“结果却,不料”,用于表示结果令人失望或感到意外。A项“表达预期目标”、B项“表示极高的可能性”和C项“戏剧化地陈述事实”均不符合题意。因此,“揭示一个不合心意的结果”为正确解释,D项为正确答案。