—So, what’s the matter with you then? —Oh, nothing. ______.—Why’s that? I thou

游客2024-08-22  5

问题 —So, what’s the matter with you then?
—Oh, nothing. ______.
—Why’s that? I thought you were pleased about the new job and going to Paris.
—Yes, I am. It’s just that I’ve been here for so long and it’s hard to think of anywhere else as home.

选项 A、I’ve been so excited to get the news about moving.
B、I’m just a bit fed up really.
C、I’ve just quarreled with one of my colleagues.
D、I’ve had a bad cough recently.

答案 B

解析 句意:说话人心情烦躁是因为要离开住了很长时间的地方,有些不舍,并没有和同事吵架或生病,因此选择B项。