In 1932, ______ the depression, the American people chose Franklin D. Roosevelt

游客2024-08-21  17

问题 In 1932, ______ the depression, the American people chose Franklin D. Roosevelt as their next president who promised a "new deal" to get America out of the depression.

选项 A、in depth
B、in the depth of
C、at bottom
D、at the bottom of

答案 B

解析 句意:1932年,深陷经济危机中的美国人推选富兰克林-罗斯福为总统,罗斯福上任后,推行了新政,以此来缓解美国的经济危机。in the depth of在……里面,深陷。in depth深入地;全面地。at bottom实际上。at the bottom of在……的底部。