Hawaii typically______when you are thinking of a holiday, but it is also a good

游客2024-08-21  7

问题 Hawaii typically______when you are thinking of a holiday, but it is also a good example of diversity and harmony in the United States.

选项 A、loses your mind
B、comes to mind
C、has in mind
D、slips your mind

答案 B

解析 句意:当你想到假日时,通常会想到夏威夷,但它也是美国多样性和和谐城市的一个很好的例子。lose your mind发疯;发狂。come to mind想到;出现在脑海中。have in mind考虑;想到。slip your mind忘记;忘了。根据句意可知,come to mind最为符合。故正确答案为B。