What makes Steve so happy? [br] [originaltext]W: Hello, Steve. You’re looking v

游客2024-08-20  3

问题 What makes Steve so happy? [br]  
W: Hello, Steve. You’re looking very pleased with yourself.
M: Yes, I am! I’ve just passed my driving test!
W: Well done!
W: Hi, Richard. Could you tell me what weather condition is the most dangerous when you fly a plane?
M: Probably the most dangerous weather condition is when the wind changes direction suddenly. This tends to happen during thunderstorms and typhoons and it’s especially dangerous during take-off and landing.

选项 A、Pilot.

答案 A

解析 录音中女士问男士Richard,他开飞机时遇到的最危险的天气状况是什么。有关键词“fly a plane”可知,Richard是一名飞行员。故选A项。