Chinese people return home for family reunions during the Spring Festival holida

游客2024-08-20  6

问题 Chinese people return home for family reunions during the Spring Festival holiday by tradition. This has led to massive seasonal travel rushes in recent years as lots of people leave their hometown to seek work elsewhere, known as the Spring Festival travel rush. It is called the world’ s largest human migration. Major changes have taken place in the last few decades that have made travel much smoother in the country. Although navigating the Spring Festival travel rush remains a challenge, the path has become less bumpy (颠簸的), less stressful and less time-consuming thanks to the rapid development of railway transportation.


答案 按照习俗,春节假期期间中国人要回家与冢人团聚。近年来,由于很多人离开家乡到外地工作,因而引发了大规模的季节性出行高峰,也就是众所周知的春运。春运被称为世界上规模最大的人类迁移。近几十年来发生的重大变化使国内出行变得越来越顺畅。尽管春运仍然面临着挑战,但由于铁路运输的快速发展,路途已不再那么颠簸、拥挤和费时了。

解析    1.该段第句为翻译难点。for family reunions“与冢人团聚”作return home“回家”的目的状语;during the Spring Festival holiday“春节假期期间”作句子的时间状语,翻译时应前置;by tradition“按照习俗”作方式状语,翻译时应位于句首。
   2.该段第二句为翻译难点。massive seasonal travel rushes翻译为“大规模的季节性出行高峰”;in recent years“近年来”作时间状语,翻译时应前置;as引导原因状语从句;known as the Spring Festival travel rush“也就是众所周知的春运”为补语,对前句描述现象进行补充说明。
   3.该段第四句为翻译难点。in the last few decades“近几十年来”作状语,翻译时应前置,that引导定语从句修饰major changes“重大变化”。此句翻译时把主句的谓语动词翻译成了主语的定语,属于翻译技巧中的转变词性,把that引导的定语从句处理成了译文的动宾结构。
   4.该段最后一句为翻译难点。although引导让步状语从句,remain作为半系动词,表示“仍然”,此处与“挑战”搭配时,采用了增词法,增加了动词“面临”。less bumpy,less stressful and less time-consuming翻译为“不那么颠簸、拥挤和费时”;thanks to the rapid development of railway transportation“由于铁路运输的快速发展”作原因状语,翻译时前置。