[img]2019m9x/ct_eyyjsdz2019j_eyyjsdreadc_0178_201909[/img] In 2004, a Harvard
[img]2019m9x/ct_eyyjsdz2019j_eyyjsdreadc_0178_201909[/img] In 2004, a Harvard
In 2004, a Harvard student named Mark Zuckerberg decided that he needed a way to keep tabs on his schoolmates over the Internet that was easy and fun. So he created a modest little website using social network gadgetry. Two years later, he had managed to raise $ 37.7 million and had registered about 7 million users. The name of his website was Facebook.
Zuckerberg, however, was not satisfied. Success is one thing, world domination is another. And he did not want cyber-success, he wanted the real thing. His main competitor was the social network MySpace. After reaching 8 million users, mainly college students, Facebook seemed to have peaked, while MySpace just kept mushrooming, reaching 10 million users in 2006.
Temptation knocked that same year. Yahoo wanted to launch a social network, and made an offer to buy Facebook from Zuckerberg. Initially he agreed to sell for a striking one billion dollars in cash. But then Yahoo hit, some problems, times were difficult, and they reduced the offer. Offended, and no longer convinced that Yahoo was a reliable partner, Zuckerberg turned down the new, reduced offer. Yahoo then changed its mind and made the one billion dollar offer again. But Zuckerberg refused: No. Little more than a teenager, he walked away from a billion dollars and kept his baby, Facebook.
It seems that, he made a sound decision. Without the help of Yahoo, he managed to help Facebook grow from a college network to a total social network used by a vast variety of people around the world. Zuckerberg is compared to gurus like Steve Jobs of Apple and Bill Gates of Microsoft. Something like 1 million people per week sign up to use Facebook, and the majority are people over 35, meaning that it has really moved away from its college basis. In 2007 Zuckerberg sold a 1. 6% share in Facebook to Microsoft. At that time the value of Facebook was estimated at an overwhelming $ 15 billion.
Born in 1984, but far from green, Zuckerberg is now considered to be one of the wealthiest men in America.
Questions 66 ~ 70
Answer the following questions according to the passage. [br] Who used Facebook mostly at the beginning?
College students.
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