[originaltext]W:Who do you think should get the job?M:What’s your opinion?W:H

游客2024-08-19  8

W:Who do you think should get the job?
M:What’s your opinion?
W:How about Mr. Johnson?
M:Johnson? I’m not sure. He’s a nice fellow, of course, and easy to get along with. But I doubt his professional expertise. I want someone who can get the job done.
Q:What do you learn from the conversation about Mr. Johnson?

选项 A、He isn’t likely to get the job.
B、He isn’t easy to get along with.
C、He is the right man to get the job done.
D、He is a man with professional expertise.

答案 A

解析 题目问从对话当中我们可以获知关于约翰逊先生的什么信息。对话中男士说约翰逊先生很友好,容易相处,但是不够专业,男士需要能胜任这份工作的人,言下之意是,约翰逊先生不能胜任这份工作,因此很可能无法得到这份工作。故选A。