What’s the main job? [br] [originaltext]W: We have with us in the studio today,

游客2024-08-17  5

问题 What’s the main job? [br]  
W: We have with us in the studio today, Simon, an astronomer with an organization searching for intelligence and life in space. Simon, could you tell us something about it?
M: Yes, of course. We’re a scientific organization that started in 1959 to search for radio signals from intelligent life in space.
W: So presumably you believe that there is intelligent life in space.
M: No, I wouldn’t say I believe that. But there may be intelligent life out there. It’s certainly possible. The universe is so vast. Our sun is just one star among billions and it s a fact that many stars have their own planets orbiting around them.
W: Really, I didn’t know that.
M: No, we’ve only recently discovered that.
W: So why are you searching for radio signals?
M: Because the distances in space are so great. It’s unlikely that other life forms will ever visit us. If they exist, we’re more likely to know from their radio signals.
W: So, you don’t believe all those stories about aliens visiting our planet?
M: I’m afraid I don’t. There’s just no real evidence. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t other life in the universe.
W: If there is life, what might it be like?
M: Oh, it’s hard to say. It might not have a form that we recognize. For example, on a planet where gravity is very strong, all life forms could be the size of microbes.
W: Oh, really, fascinating.
M: Even if we can’t find life on distant stars, we might find simple forms of life in our own solar system. For example, we think there’s ice on Mars. And where there’s water, there’s a possibility of life.
W: That would be exciting. But what about these radio signals? Have you found anything interesting?
M: I can’t say we have. But we’re going to keep looking.
W: One final question that I’ve always wanted to ask an astronomer. Scientists now believe that the universe must have started with what’s called "the big bang".
M: Well, we’re not 100% certain. But yes, we think that the universe could have begun with a huge explosion about 12 billon years ago.
W: What I’ve always wanted to know is this: what began"the big bang"? How did it start?
M: Are you asking me if I believe in God? We don’t know how" the big bang" started. We just don’t know.

选项 A、Gravity.

答案 C

解析 在生命形成的过程中,水的存在是不可或缺的,这也可从男士的话where there’s wa—ter,there’s a possibility of life中得知。故选C。