Here is part of a letter from an English friend.[img]2015m7x/ct_eyyjscm_eyyjscw

游客2024-08-17  6

问题 Here is part of a letter from an English friend.

Write a reply to your friend Tom. Don’t sign your own name at the end of the letter; use "Li Ming" instead.
Write a letter of about 100 words in an appropriate style on the Answer Sheet.


答案 Dear Tom,
    It was great to hear from you. I would like to offer congratulations on your passing your exam. Better still you’ve got some spare cash.
    You say you can’t decide whether to buy a computer game or some clothes. In my opinion, if you choose some new clothes you must save up a bit more money because clothes are not as cheap as computer games and I know you like expensive designer outfits. Moreover, if you choose a computer game, which one? There are so many available and they are all the same to me.
    I suggest that you spend the money in something else. Why not get yourself a new dictionary, for example? Then it would be easier for you to study, wouldn’t it? Keep in touch. It’s really nice to talk to you.
                                                                Yours sincerely,
                                                                   Li Ming
