Where does this conversation probably take place? [br] [originaltext]W: Are you

游客2024-08-16  4

问题 Where does this conversation probably take place? [br]  
W: Are you being served, sir? What can I do for you?
M: No, I’m trying to get this book renewed. You know, it’s so helpful that I can’t finish my research paper without it.
W: How did you like the performance?
M: Generally speaking, it was very good. The part of the maid was played beautifully but I thought the man who played the lawyer was too dramatic to be realistic.

选项 A、The lawyer played his part well.
B、The lawyer was not dramatic enough.
C、The role of the lawyer was unrealistic.

答案 C

解析 录音中男士说:“but I thought the man who played the lawyer was too dramatic to be realistic.”too…to…太…以至于不能…。