[originaltext]W: So how did the meeting go? Did you manage to convince your cus

游客2024-08-14  9

W: So how did the meeting go? Did you manage to convince your customers?
M: Well, it’s touch and go, I reckon. They seemed quite impressed with what we can offer. The product itself, and the production dates we gave them.
W: Well, that sounds promising. You don’t sound very optimistic, though.
Question: What seemed to have impressed the man’s customers?
M: So Tiffany, you’ve been working with us here in China for a few months now. Are you still feeling culture shock?
W: Yes, a bit. But it’s much better than the first few weeks. Back then I was really a fish out of water.
M: Remember the first time I took you to eat real Chinese food? You barely touched anything!
Question: What do we learn about Tiffany from the conversation?

选项 A、She didn’t feel any culture shock on her first trip to China.
B、She enjoys going fishing with the man.
C、She has learned to cook some Chinese food.
D、She didn’t feel like eating Chinese food when she first came to China.

答案 D

解析 对话中Tiffany说她刚来中国时就像离了水的鱼一样。随后男士说他第一次带Tiffany吃中国菜时,她几乎什么也没吃。表明Tiffany刚来中国时不喜欢中国菜。