One of the most powerful spiritual awakenings you can have is to make pea
One of the most powerful spiritual awakenings you can have is to make pea
One of the most powerful spiritual awakenings you can have is to make peace with your mistakes.It is also a guaranteed way to become happier.I am not talking about paying lip service to this wisdom by saying, "Sure, I know— everyone makes mistakes." I am talking about genuinely making peace with the fact that mistakes are not only inevitable but important.
I read about a Zen master who described life as "one mistake after another." And if you think about it, he was right.From a certain point of view, life can be described as a series of mistakes, one right after another, with a little space in between.We mess up, make amends, and change.We then go on with our life.Sooner or later we make another mistake, learn from it, make the necessary adjustments, and move on.Mistakes offer us the continual opportunity to learn and develop.Without them, there would be no growth, no reason to change.Accepting this idea makes it much easier to forgive ourselves and others when we (or they) "mess up."
Obviously, this is not to say we make mistakes on purpose or that we don’t do our best to avoid them—that would be ridiculous.Nor does it suggest that we overlook or enjoy the mistakes of others.We don’t.What I am suggesting, however, is that mistakes are the way we learn to make allowances in our thinking and behaviour; they are the things that encourage us to change direction and to grow as human beings.
Think of the world’s best athletes.I was watching Andre Agassi, one of the top tennis players in the world, play a match.It made me feel better about my game when I realized that even the world’s best players make plenty of mistakes.I read somewhere that the baseball great, Babe Ruth, struck out twice for every home run that he hit.
When I was fourteen years old, I was talking behind some else’s back to a mutual friend.I was being mean-spirited and spreading a bad rumor.I didn’t know it, but the person I was bad-mouthing was standing right behind me and heard everything I said.He was upset, and I was embarrassed.This was a mistake I’ve never forgotten.
This mistake, however, was one of the thousands that I made that helped me to become the person I am today.I learned more from that mistake than I could have learned in any class, lecture, or book.It hit me hard where it counts—in my heart.I didn’t enjoy it, I’m not proud of it, but I did learn from it.I am a kinder person today because of it.
Everyone makes mistakes, big ones and small ones.If you can see your mistakes as a means to help you become a better person and to make better decisions, you’ll be able to be easier on yourself and get through difficult times much easier.In the long run, you’ll make fewer mistakes.And if people have made mistakes that have hurt you or affected you negatively, you can apply this same philosophy to help you forgive those people so that you can move forward with greater ease and confidence.
Questions 66—70 Answer the following questions according to the passage. [br] What is a guaranteed way to become happier?
Making peace with our mistakes.
根据题意定位至文章第一段第一第二句“One of the most powerful spiritual awakenings you can have is to make peace with your mistakes.It is also a guaranteed way to become happier.”即你能拥有的最强大的精神觉醒之一就是坦然面对你的错误。这也是让你变得更快乐的保证。因此,能保证让人变得更快乐的是坦然面对自己的错误。
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