Scottish writer Adam Smith is often considered the most important econom

游客2024-08-14  5

问题         Scottish writer Adam Smith is often considered the most important economist the world has ever known.The concepts of bargaining and self-interest that he explored, and【C1】_________ (possible) of different types of agreements and interests—such as " the common interest "—are of recurring appeal to philosophers.His 【C2】 wri_________are also important because they give a more general and abstract form to the idea of the "commercial" society that was developed by his friend David Hume.

        Like his Swiss contemporary Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Smith assumes that the motives of human beings are partly benevolent and 【C3】_________ self-interested, but that self-interest is the stronger trait and so is a better guide to human behaviour.He believes that this can be【C4】 conf_________ by social observation, and so, broadly speaking, his approach is an empirical one.In one of his most famous discussions of the psychology of bargaining, he contends that the most frequent opening gambit in a bargain is for one party to urge the 【C5】_________—"the best way for you to get what you want is for you to give me what I want".In other words, "we address ourselves, not to[another’s]humanity, but to their self-love."
        Smith goes on to claim that the exchange of useful objects is a distinctively human【C6】_________ (character).He notes that dogs are observed exchanging bones, and that should an animal wish to【C7】ob_________ something, the only way it can do so is to "gain the favour of those whose service it requires".Human may also depend on this sort of "fawning or servile attention", but they cannot resort to it whenever they need help, 【C8】be_________ life requires "the cooperation and assistance of great multitudes".For example, to stay【C9】_________ (comfort) at an inn for a night we require the input of many people—to cook and serve the food, to prepare the room and so on—none of whose services can be depended on through good will alone.For this reason, "man is an animal that makes bargains"—and the bargain is struck by【C10】_________ (propose) a deal that appears to be in the self-interest of both parties. [br] 【C8】


答案 because

解析 空格所在的句子提到“他们不能在需要帮助的时候求助于这种关注,因为生活需要‘广大群众的合作和帮助’。”根据句意及所给单词的前两个字母,本空应填because。