—I hear many people like French food.How about you?—Not me.__________.A、As far

游客2024-08-14  4

问题 —I hear many people like French food.How about you?
—Not me.__________.

选项 A、As far as I’m concerned, I don’t eat much.
B、As for me, I don’t eat out at all.
C、Considering my age, I shouldn’t eat a lot.
D、No matter what they say, I’ll have soft drinks only.
E、Speaking of food, I like Italian cuisine.

答案 E

解析 句意:——我听说很多人喜欢法国菜。 你呢? ——不是我。说到食物,我喜欢意大利菜。根据对话可知,回答者说自己不喜欢法国菜,后一句应表达自己的喜好。A项“就我而言,我吃得不多”,B项“至于我,我根本不出去吃饭”,C项“考虑到我的年纪,我不应该吃太多”,D项“不管他们说什么,我只喝饮料”,E项“说到食物,我喜欢意大利菜”。根据句意,E项最符合逻辑,故选E。