—You don’ t look so happy, Bill.What’ s the matter?—I’ m worried about my Engli

游客2024-08-13  5

问题 —You don’ t look so happy, Bill.What’ s the matter?
—I’ m worried about my English homework—the origin of "Jim Crow".Do you know anything about it?

选项 A、Do you happen to know where the Crow lives?
B、I’m sorry, I can’t help you at that time.
C、I heard it’s from an early Negro minstrel song.
D、Let me see.Is that your English homework?

答案 C

解析 题干意思:——比尔,你看起来不开心,发生了什么? ——我 在担心我的英语作业,要写“Jim Crow”的起源。你知道一些相关内容吗?——我听说它来自一首早期的黑人歌手的歌。Jim Crow是歧视黑人的一种称呼,且其中一人问道是否知道相关信息,所以回答句与黑人信息有关。C项Negro意为“黑人”,故选C。