—Hello, this is Max.Can I speak to Henry, please?—I’m sorry, but Henry just wen

游客2024-08-13  4

问题 —Hello, this is Max.Can I speak to Henry, please?
—I’m sorry, but Henry just went out to get a newspaper.But he’ ll be back any minute now.Can you hold on a minute?

选项 A、Well, could you ask him to call me back, please?
B、All right, but where can I find him?
C、OK.He must be quite busy.
D、Don’ t worry.F 11 talk to him in person.

答案 A

解析 题干意思:——你好,我是马克斯,请问亨利在吗? ——抱歉,亨利刚出去拿报纸了。他马上就回来,你能先别挂断吗?——你能让他待会儿打给我吗?根据对话语境可知,空格处须填表达“愿意等待电话”“下次再打电话”“转告对方回电话”意图的句子,A项最符合对话逻辑,故选A。