[originaltext]W: You look tired, John. What have you been doing?M: My teacher

游客2024-08-13  5

W: You look tired, John. What have you been doing?
M: My teacher wasn’t happy with my mid-term essay. She told me to do it all over again.
W: At least, she gave you a second chance.
M: Yeah, I have to admit that.
Question: What did the man’s teacher tell him to do?

选项 A、Polish his essay.
B、Hand in his essay.
C、Rewrite his essay.
D、Write a shorter essay.

答案 C

解析 题目问男士的老师告诉他要做什么。对话中男士说他的老师对他的期中论文不满意,让他重写一遍,故选C。