[originaltext]W: Guess who I met at the grocery store this morning?M: Well, I

游客2024-08-13  6

W: Guess who I met at the grocery store this morning?
M: Well, I can’t imagine.
W: Do you remember Mr. Johnson? He used to live in the building next to ours.
M: Oh, yes, now I remember. He had dark hair and wore glasses.
Question: Who is Mr. Johnson according to the speakers?

选项 A、Their former colleague.
B、Their former neighbor.
C、Their former teacher.
D、Their former client.

答案 B

解析 题目问根据对话可知Johnson先生是谁。对话中女士让男士猜自己今早在杂货铺遇见了谁,男士猜不出,女士就回答:“你记不记得Johnson先生?他过去住在我们楼旁边的楼上。”由此可知,Johnson先生是他们过去的邻居,故选B。