I lived with Mother in" a large white house surrounded by tall trees. It was
I lived with Mother in" a large white house surrounded by tall trees. It was
I lived with Mother in" a large white house surrounded by tall trees. It was a long walk to the nearest buildings as we were beyond the outskirts of town. It seems to me now that I would ask myself whether we needed to live as we did, she in this lonely white house leading her life, me elsewhere in that same large house, being me, her child.
I suppose in all those years I should have asked myself that, and yet I suspect, in reality, I scarcely gave it any thought.
One day, soon after my thirtieth birthday, Mother told me that she had sold the house. She had found somewhere else, she said. She did not mention where. I did not ask.
Shortly after, two very willing removal men arrived with an orange van which they promptly began loading up with furniture and boxes. Mother directed them from the house. I stood outside underneath our tall trees and watched, fascinated by the process. Many of the things which these strangers were steadily lifting up and taking away had never been moved before in all my lifetime. Indeed, until that moment, I don’t think it ever occurred to me that these things could actually be moved. The house and everything in it had seemed so completely fixed. When I saw that the van was nearly full I went indoors to find Mother.
"Keep anything you like, "she said to me. "I’ve taken all I want. "
"Thank you. "I said.
"The new people should be here tomorrow. "She climbed into the van alongside the two men, the engine started and they drove away.
Next day, as Mother said they would, a couple came. They were obviously a bit annoyed to find me there. I packed some necessities into a small brown leather suitcase that I did not know was still in the house until I found it. I felt them watch me as I walked away down the path and along the road that eventually led to the railway station.
It had been a long quiet walk so I was surprised when I found the station busy with activity. I had expected to sit for a while and calmly decide my next course of action but a quick glance round the station told me that queuing for a ticket was the first thing for all newcomers to do—buying a cup of tea and trying to find a seat on the platform the next. The queue was long and appeared to move forward only slowly. All well and good, I thought, taking my place behind a woman who was engaged in a fierce argument with her husband while trying to keep several children in order.
" Everyone!" he repeated sarcastically. The husband looked angrily around and as I stood up he caught my eye. I was now part of the argument against him.
"Yes, everyone—so you might just as well make up your mind to enjoy yourself, Harold.
"I certainly will!" Harold spat back. "And it won’t be with you either!" he told his wife. It was all very public and rather shocking.
"Where to?" The family had reached the front of the queue.
" Two and three halves, returns to, Southpool," the woman declared. Harold was called upon to pay. This he did by counting out the money as slowly as it is possible to count out money. The queue heaved impatiently.
"Where to?"
"Southpool. " I said without a moment’s hesitation. "One way, or are you coming back?" he asked.
"One way,"I said. I was almost surprised when he handed me the ticket. When I had paid, I had half an hour to wait and enough money for a cup of tea. During that half hour, I reckoned it like this; All these people going to the seaside would be eating teas in little cafes along the sea front. Other people would be employed to serve those teas.
The train was packed. I was lucky and managed to squeeze myself on to a seat. I did not see Harold and his family again. [br] Why did he disapprove of the family?
A、Because they did not have much money.
B、Because the children were badly behaved.
C、Because they did not speak to him.
D、Because they were arguing in front of other people.
根据第十二段It was all very public and rather shocking.可知,这家人在公共场所喧闹,令作者厌恶。
罩牙本质中胶原纤维的排列与牙本质小管A.交叉成45° B.垂直 C.无规律可
新生儿期筛查苯丙酮尿症进行Guthrie测定是在给小儿喂奶后A.1日 B.2~
关于肾皮质多发性脓肿,下列哪项说法是错误的A.多经血行播散引起 B.表现为腰部
相同条件下,下列期权时间价值最大的是( )。A.平值期权 B.虚值期权
商业区区位选择指向特征,下列正确的有()。A:多元的消费指向性 B:空间关系的