Each year, on Mother Earth Day, we reflect on our relationship with the planet t

游客2024-08-11  17

问题 Each year, on Mother Earth Day, we reflect on our relationship with the planet that supports us. The air we breathe, the water we drink and the soil that grows our food are part of a delicate global ecosystem that is increasingly under pressure from human activities. From tropical deforestation to depleted ocean fisheries, from growing freshwater shortages to the rapid decline of biodiversity and increasingly polluted skies and seas in many parts of the world, we see the heavy hand of humankind.


答案 在一年一度的地球母亲日,我们对与支持我们生存的星球的关系进行反省。我们呼吸的空气,饮用的水,生长食物的土壤,是全球脆弱生态系统的一部分,这一系统所承受的人类活动的压力日益加大。从热带雨林砍伐到海洋渔业枯竭,从淡水日益紧缺到生物多样性迅速退化,再到世界许多地区空气和海洋污染日趋严重,我们可以看到人类双手的巨大影响。
