What will the man have to do with his bag? [br] [originaltext]W: Can I see your

游客2024-08-11  6

问题 What will the man have to do with his bag? [br]  
W: Can I see your hand luggage, please?
M: I just have this bag and a laptop.
W: Could you put them on the scales? I’m afraid the bag will have to go in the hold.
M: So that’s the offer, Sophie. The work is well within our range and abilities. There’s a profit of a million pounds in it for us. It looks too good to miss. What do you think?
W: I’m not sure. It just doesn’t feel right.
M: What exactly doesn’t feel right? A million pounds feels all right to me. I know the profit margin is high, but we’re the best in the business.
W: It’s not the money. Call it gut feeling, whatever. I can’t put my finger on it.

选项 A、She just feels that way without any evidence.
B、The money they can earn is quite limited.
C、The market is gloomy.
D、She worries about the big investment.

答案 A

解析 对话中男士大谈这项工作可以带来的高额利润,而Sophie则不太确定,指出“It just doesn’t feel right”,在男士的追问下,Sophie说并不是钱的问题,“Call it gut feeling,whatever”(可以说是直觉吧),因此A项正确。