Ancient China developed a unique civilization, which was mysterious and difficul

游客2024-08-09  4

问题 Ancient China developed a unique civilization, which was mysterious and difficult to understand in the eyes of many. The Yellow River was not the only cradle of Chinese civilization, which had multiple points of origin. More than 5,000 years ago, the vast area spanning from Loess Plateau (黄土高原) to the shore of the East China Sea was home to several converging points of civilization. They gradually became integrated with one another, and eventually developed into a single country. Over 4,000 years ago, the Xia Dynasty was already a huge regional nation; at least 3,500 years ago, the Shang Dynasty was keeping written records; 3,000 years ago, the king of Zhou adopted an enfeoffment (分封) system to standardize land allocation and social hierarchy. After this historical period, the First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty unified China in the 3rd century BC, and from that moment onward, unity became the most precious heritage of ancient Chinese civilization, as it guaranteed the continuation of our civilization and lasting national development.


答案 古代中国发展出了独特的文明,在许多人眼里,它既神秘又难理解。中华文明有多重起源,黄河不是唯一的摇篮。5000多年前,从黄土高原到东海之滨的广阔地区是几个文明交汇点的发源地。这些结合点渐渐相互融合,最终形成统一的国家。4000多年前,夏朝已经是一个庞大的地域性国家;至少在3500年前,商朝就有了文字记载;3000年前,周天子用分封制规范了土地的分配和社会的等级。经过这一历史时期后,秦朝的第一任皇帝在公元前3世纪统一了中国,统一从此就成为中华古代文明中最珍贵的遗产,因为它保证了中华文明的绵延不断和国家的持续发展。

解析 1.该段第三句为翻译难点。more than 5,000 years ago为时间状语,译为“5000多年前”,直接放在句首;主语为the vast area,译为“广阔地区”;spanning…Sea,为现在分词短语作后置定语修饰主语,译为“从黄土高原到东海之滨”,翻译时需置于主语前,同时需注意两个专有名词“黄土高原”和“东海”的翻译;was home to翻译为“……的发源地”;介词短语of civilization作宾语several converging points“几个交汇点”的定语,翻译时需前置。
2.该段最后一句为翻译难点。After this historical period,为时间状语译为“经过这一历史时期后”,直接放在句首;and并列两个完整的句子;第一句中,介词短语of the Qin Dynasty修饰主语the First Emperor,译为 “第一任皇帝”的定语,翻译时需前置;时间状语in the 3rd century BC,译为“在公元前3世纪”,翻译时需提前到主谓之间;在第二句中,主句为unity became the most precious heritage,介词短语of ancient Chinese civilization作heritage“遗产”的定语,翻译时需前置;as引导原因状语从句,在从句中两个宾语并列,其中宾语lasting national development在翻译时做了语序调整。