[originaltext]W: Professor Renton, what initially attracted you to science?M:

游客2024-08-09  5

W: Professor Renton, what initially attracted you to science?
M: Well, in fact it was my fascination with the fictional detective Sherlock Holmes: the way he uses first-hand evidence and analytical reasoning to solve his mysteries. My father and grandfather were both engineers. Engineers tend to take things apart. Although they’ re not always able to reassemble them, they’ re always curious about how things work. That’s doubtless in my genes, too.
Question: What does Professor Renton suggest he has inherited from his early generations?

选项 A、His curiosity about how things work.
B、His problem-solving skills.
C、His unique creative genes.
D、His talent for gathering facts.

答案 A

解析 题目问伦顿教授从先辈那里继承的品质是什么。根据对话可知,伦顿教授的父辈都是工程师,喜欢拆卸物品再进行重装,他们总是好奇事物的工作原理,而他本人也传承了这样的基因。故选A。